Colegio Cervantes has a Robotics program that spans from Early Childhood to High School, with 11 teams representing the FIRST categories.
In multidisciplinary teams, our students build a robot from scratch, making use of different branches of Engineering and Administration such as Mechanics, 3D Design, Electronics, Programming (Coding?), Industrial Hygiene, Communication, Marketing, among others.
Cerbotics 4400, our first official team, was started in December of 2011 through an initiative by Peñoles, FIRST Mexico, and our institution, with the purpose of promoting science and technology among students.
Nowadays they participate in FIRST Robotic World wide Competitions
From October 13 to 16, 2022 they traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to the FIRST Global Challenge 202, in which they won the Gold Medal “Albert Einstein Award for FIRST Global International Excellence”, the most prestigious award of the competition, which awards to the team whose robot obtained the best performance during the competition and also exemplifies all the principles of the FIRST Global community.
In 2018 our robotics team was awarded the Bulmaro Valdez Anaya Medal for Scientific and Technological Merit by the city of Torreon, becoming distinguished citizens.
The FTC team, who had been regional champions in the last robtotics tournaments at Nuevo León and National Champions on 2019
Our Achievements
- Regional FTC Laguna
-Inspire Award
- First Global Challenge Mexico
- Mexico Remote 1 Regional
-Finalist Award
-Inspire Award
- Mexico Remote 2 Regional
-Finalist Award
-Control Award
- Mexico Remote Championship
-Finalist Award
-Control Award
- Australia Invitational Remote
-Control Award
- Regional Zona Norte
-Think Award
-Finalist Award
- Mexico Championship
-Judges Award
- Regional Zona Norte
-Control Award
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